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    News — prince edward county t-shirt company

    A Call for Vendors



    The Prince Edward County T-shirt Company is offering four vendor spaces in our rear courtyard for the 2015 summer season. This prime outdoor vending space will allow eligible vendors an opportunity to build off the successful retail traffic at our store, and on Main Street in Bloomfield, throughout the peak season. 

    We are looking for artisans, craftspeople, and other vendors whose wares will compliment our current retail offerings, while giving our customers a wider range of shopping options. We intend to select applicants who we believe will be successful, based on our customer profile.

    We will promote our vendors alongside our daily social media updates, providing day-to-day information for our fan base on when your business is present. 

    The seasonal vendor rate is $450, which allows you to set-up any time the t-shirt store is open, which is most days during the peak season, May 16 - Sept 7, 2015. A week-end (plus holiday Mondays) rate is also available for $275.  Vendor space allows for up to an 8’ table and patio umbrella. This weather permitting space cannot accommodate tents. 

    Interested vendors should apply to by midnight Monday, May 4 with the following information:

    Name, Address, email, phone number, name of business, product type, bio, website, facebook page, instagram, twitter etc, 5 images of your products.

    Applications are juried and will be notified by May 8th.  

    Looking forward to a fun Courtyard Market season!

    County Summer 2014: A Thank You!

    Labour Day came and went, and all you wonderful people went with it! Well not all, of course. But it was a much quieter week in Bloomfield than we had seen in months. So many great things happening throughout the late summer and fall, and we'll be here. But before we have a big sale, and then launch our Fall/Winter Collection, we want to offer up a simple but sincere, Thank you. Our first summer exceeded our expectations and we are truly touched by the way you all responded to our shirts and other items. So much more to follow, but for now, again, Thank you.


    Summer Days are Here: Happy County August

    In store now is our county rooster on a (highly requested) v-neck t-shirt. If you thought summer was over, think again. We are smack in the middle, with many days of a county t-shirt wearing ahead. Grab yours quickly, as they are already flying the coop. Keep an eye on our Fall/Winter collection, as we have lots of ideas for this simple, but iconic design. #wearthecounty

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    Anatomy of an Awesome T-shirt: Prince Edward County

    When we set out to create our line of County inspired t-shirts we were really picky about the quality of garment, the printing process, and even the label. Clearly people had printed county t-shirts before us. What we realized is that those businesses saw t-shirts as a quick way to make a buck hawking low quality shirts to tourists. That was not our vision at all, and we do everything we can to separate ourselves from those who continue to sell low grade merchandise at premium souvenir prices.

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