Summer Days are Here: Happy County August

How can it be August already??? When we began this journey we had so many ideas, and we really though by the time summer came along they would all be on shirts and in the store. Well, maybe we just have too many great dreams to realize them all at once!
While we have not printed even close to all our ideas (and even some with finished artwork), we really needed to get this shirt to you (by demand). Back in the Fall 2013 we created our first bag using the rooster weathervane image. At the same time we printed some tester t-shirts with the design, including one for our small son. Every time he would wear it we would scratch our heads and wonder why we hadn't printed this one?!
Well now we have! In store now is our county rooster on a (highly requested) v-neck t-shirt. If you thought summer was over, think again. We are smack in the middle, with many days of a county t-shirt wearing ahead. Grab yours quickly, as they are already flying the coop. Keep an eye on our Fall/Winter collection, as we have lots of ideas for this simple, but iconic design. #wearthecounty