Anatomy of an Awesome T-shirt: Prince Edward County

When we set out to create our line of County inspired t-shirts we were really picky about the quality of garment, the printing process, and even the label. Clearly people had printed county t-shirts before us. What we realized is that those businesses saw t-shirts as a quick way to make a buck hawking low quality shirts to tourists. That was not our vision at all, and we do everything we can to separate ourselves from those who continue to sell low grade merchandise at premium souvenir prices.
When you #wearthecounty by purchasing an Authentic County Brand Shirt you will notice the difference based on our three key criteria for awesomeness (patent pending):
1) Comfort and wearability: We tried every available blank t-shirt on the market until we found shirts that blew us away in every department. We evaluated them based on comfort and feel, wearability with things like making sure the neck was not too tight (the #1 issue with bad shirts), and washability, because we want you to keep wearing it. Most printed apparel dealers look for the cheapest shirts to maximize profit, thinking that most visitors won't recognize a dud until they get home. We deliver a superior shirt at a fair price.
2) Custom comfort tags: Look at the tags of most tourist shirts and you will find either a very popular underwear company, or the label of a company that produce cheap feeling and wearing "rough" garments. Our tags are screen printed into the inside back of the shirts. This allows for a comfortable feel (no tag itch), but also it expressed our personal "seal of approval" on these garments. We are the producers of these shirts, and we want you to know we identify with them as if we manufactured them ourselves.
3) Storytelling. Today anyone with a computer and an illustration program can whip together a shirt design pretty quickly, and it shows. We consider our shirts to be a method of storytelling, expressing the things we feel about Prince Edward County. Our choices have already been emulated, and while we consider imitation a high form of flattery, we want to tell you that ideas that we spent months creating (and recreating) can't just be "borrowed" to the same effect. We love our shirts and designs before we ever think of offering them for sale. We think it shows.
We know we are on the right track with our clothing label County Brand. T-shirts are just the start, but we believe to create a great label, you have to make everything to a very high standard. We want you to come back again and again, year after year. We want your shirts to last, and mostly, we want you to wear your shirts with pride and enjoyment.
Recently we bumped into this customer in Rossmore (yes, at the LCBO), and he was not only wearing his PEC T-shirt, he was beaming about it. He loves the feel, the fit, the design, the whole enchilada. This makes us happier than your can imagine. We believed from the start that if we cared, and made good choices in our details, that our customers would notice, and it would make them happy. Nice to be right! Accept no substitute. When you wear the county, wear only Authentic County Brand.