County T-shirts Pops-up in Bloomfield
With our Preview Collection in hand we wanted to reach out to our neighbors in The County and give them a chance to shop in person prior to the holidays. We decided to hold several “pop-up” shops during December, and they were a terrific success.
These events were all held in Bloomfield (the home of our future retail store – still a secret), first at the Bloomfield Centre for Creativity, and then at the Bloomfield Town Hall. While we know all of our shirts are available in our online store, we really wanted to gain some direct feedback from our customers.
People were amazing: They braved the cold, the snow, and the ice (in that order) to attend our events. This was the complete opposite of t-shirt weather, and yet, people came and shopped. We met many of our future neighboring merchants (shhhh still secret), as well as many friends who dropped by to support us.
Thank you to all who attended. Thanks as well to everyone who shopped online over the holidays. The experience we had during these pop-up events gave us great confidence for opening our store later this spring. Watch this space for an announcement about our new location.
Happy New Year!